Tuesday, May 27, 1884

Finished the manure. Jim went to plowing. I went to Burg at night took Jim home.

Monday, May 26, 1884

Drawing manure down at other barn. Jim helping me.

Sunday, May 25, 1884

I went to church. Jim went down home. Henry & Flo was here.

Saturday, May 24, 1884

Finished planting field by house. The girls came about 3. I went to mill. Jim put on ashes. I took 3 1/2 [bushels] of wheat.

Friday, May 23, 1884

Planting pots & corn. Fixed the gate & fence. Another shower a[t] 5. Em & Liz gone to Sitz & baby.

Thursday, May 22, 1884

Jim marking. I picking up seed potatos. [unreadable] showers. Planted some poto.

Wednesday, May 21, 1884

Finished the draging. Marked some. A fine din[n]er. Marked in afternoon and went to Burg after Jim [Sturman] & corn.

Tuesday, May 20, 1884

Draging all day. Quite pleasant & cool.

Monday, May 19, 1884

Draging all day but [unreadable] had a short shower that [unreadable phrase] drag.

Sunday, May 18, 1884

At home till evening. Went to church. Seizz and [unreadable] Judd was over in afternoon.

Saturday, May 17, 1884

Lance came along with Uncle George. Pa came too. They were going to the Thomas'. I finished the headland draging rest of day. The warmest yet.

Friday, May 16, 1884

Trying to finish plowing but did not. Broke the plow handle & quit to go to Burg. Took eggs & butter.

Thursday, May 15, 1884

Plowing again. Did not get quite done. Quite cool.

Wednesday, May 14, 1884

Plowing in south field. Went to shop at noontime. Got horse shod [and] rod welded.

Tuesday, May 13,1884

Plowing all day. Sprinkely, windy, shoury.

Monday, May 12, 1884

Plowing again south of house. Draged some.

Sunday, May 11, 1884

We went to church both three of us. Staid down home a while.

Saturday, May 10, 1884

Plowing again & draged some in the field south of house. I took the rod of the roller to the shop this eve.

Friday, May 9, 1884

The wife took her carpet to the weavers. I finished the ten [?] patches of tates & plowed some.

Thursday, May 8, 1884

Finished the plowing. Filed [?] the ground. Planted some potatoes.

Wednesday, May 7, 1884

Raining again till nearly noon. I tried to fix the pumps. Rolling in afternoon. Plowed some.

Tuesday, May 6, 1884

Fiished the grass seed in morning. furred [sp.?] out then shoveled them out. Rolled wheat in afternoon. Some of meadow.

Monday, May 5, 1884

Went to Burg after groceries. Took eggs & butter. I finished the oats in afternoon. I sowed some grass seed in eve.

Sunday, May 4, 1884

Raining this morning. We did not go anywhere. Rains all day & eve.

Saturday, May 3, 1884

Finised the plowing in forenoon. Sowed some in aftern00n.

Friday, May 2, 1884

Cooler again today. I plowed up the lower place for oats.

Thursday, May 1, 1884

Started plowing again. Begins to rain about 9. Then rained again in afternoon. I quit at 5. Em cut my hair.

Wednesday, April 30, 1884

Rolling the oats. Cleaned out the furrows & plowed some in afternoon. Quite warm.

Tuesday, April 29, 1884

Sowed the oats this morn. Young Casy came & dragged for me. I made some garden. Em helped me.

Monday, April 28, 1884

Finished plowing field by barn. Dragged in after[noon]. Sowed a few.

Sunday, April 27, 1884

Em & I went down home. I went to church. She did not. We came home by Waters's. Stopped a while.

Sarah at home.

Turible windy day.

Saturday, April 26, 1884

Plowing all day. Took kettle & scales home in evening.

Friday, April 25, 1884

Sowed the little piece in afternoon--morning I dragged it by noon. Plowed in afternoon.

Thursday, April 24, 1884

Plowing today. Sowed a few. To[o] windy. Went to plowing again till night.

Wednesday, April 23, 1884

Went to the city today with pork, 1 calf, 1 gal. butter, 1 bush[el]of eggs. Got home at --.

Tuesday, April 22, 1884

Butchering. I went after Lance last night. He & Dave got them all killed at noon. I had 3 to clean. Lance helped. We greased the wagon & Lance went home but came back that night.

Monday, April 21, 1884

Froze quite hard last night. I went over to Taylor's to get Dave to butcher. Finished the sluceway in forenoon. Got ready to butcher.

Sunday, April 20, 1884

At home today. Somewhat dreary. A cold east wind. A tramp came along & got a bite & went on his way rejoicing.

Saturday, April 19, 1884

Plowed a little. Went down to the mill after some plank for sluseway. Did not get it done.

Wednesday, April 16, 1884

Forking manure till noon. Went over after pump, put that in cistern in afternoon. Snowing some today.

Tuesday, April 15, 1884

Raining this morning. I cleaned out sheep shed. Went to Kinley's after dinner. Helped them to load the roller then drew manure out into the yard from the sheep pen.

Monday, April 14, 1884

Plowing some today. Plows good on the rig. Appearance of rain.

Sunday, April 13, 1884

Went to church. Sarah came back with me. Em did not go.

Saturday, April 12, 1884

I fixed the fence in front where the industrial log drawers went through then drew manure from potato pit & out of sheep yard.

Friday, April 11, 1884

Finished the dirt. Drew some potatoes. Chek[?] dirt around curnt[?] brush and some manure on the orchard. 1 load from potato pit. Murviss was over & staid all night.

Thursday, April 10, 1884

Took Liz home & the morter[?] box. Got back at 11. Went down to other house after some ashes. Drew dirt away from the house. Picked up some stone.

Friday, March 21, 1884

Filed this am. Got the horse for the girls. They went down home. A beautiful day. Sawed some.

Thursday, March 20, 1884

Sawed some. Let off some water.

The girls came about 3. Got wet some.

Wednesday, April 9, 1884

Sewed to rye today & dragged it then cleaned out the furrows. Harland was here.

Tuesday, April 8, 1884

The girls went down to Aunty's today. I split wood. Begins to rain some.

Monday, April 7, 1884

Sewed some seed & clover on the wheat ground. Split some wood. Went to town. Ma has Liz come back with me.

Sunday, April 6, 1884

At home all day. Hen came over. Did not stay long. They all went down home. [unreadable] wanted his. We all went down to church in eve.

Saturday, April 5, 1884

Went to Pontiac today to settle with Taft. I got him down some on his prices. I went around by Erity's on way home. Out of my way[?].

Friday, April 4, 1984

Went to the city today with a buggy after grass seed. I got Lizzie's machien for her.

Thursday, April 3, 1884

Went down to other place to draw some manure. It was froze hard anough. I drew a load thenbrought up some limbs. Drew some manure in orchard. Split some wood in afternoon.

Wednesday, April 2, 1884

Took the sheep over to Erwins, got back at 11. Done the chores. Split a little wood. Went to Erity's in afternoon.

I paid him one 25 dollar note & the interest $25.50 on the morgage & $40 on morgage principal.

Tuesday, April 1, 1884

Raining all day. Walt, Dick Erwin came along. I sold them the sheep. I finished my evening[?] sit in the house some.

Monday, March 31, 1884

Started out to look for hay. Went to Taylors & to J. [Mc]Kinleys, to Jack Erwins, to Rob Hannahs, to Castles. Got same, spoke for same. Went after my sleighs in afternoon. Harland came. I sold the calf. Got the wagon ready to get some hay. Started to rain.

Sunday, March 30, 1884

Emma & I went to church this a very fine morning. Did not stay to Sunday school.

Saturday, March 29, 18984

A windy day.

Friday, March 28, 1884

This is for Saturday: Sawing some today. Went as far as Billys on my way to Taylors. Dave was not at home. Sawed some more wood in afternoon.

Friday: Went to the mill. Took 2 bush[els] wheat. Paid Erity 10 dollars.

Thursday, March 27, 1884

Went to the Burg. Took 10 doz[en] eggs & got groceries. Got back about noon. Hannah came over. Geo[?] came & went home with her.

Wednesday, March 26, 1884

Ditching till noon. Sawed some & chored[?]. Colder.

Tuesday, March 25, 1884

Raining in forenoon. I split wood in afternoon. Ditched some in forenoon. Begins to rain in afternoon [unreadable phrase].

Monday, March 24, 1884

Ditching in forenoon. Prindle came along & wanted to rent the house. We went down there then split some wood. Harland came along.

Sunday, March 23, 1884

At home till eve. I and Liz went to church. Fearful mu[d]dy.

Saturday, March 22, 1884

Went around the farm this morn. Split some wood. The rest of the day also a beautiful day. A fine day.

Wednesday, March 19, 1884

Raining this morning. The girls did not come home. I sat in the [unreadable phrase].

Tuesday, March 18, 1884

Sawing a little on oak. Fearful hard.

Em & Liz gone to Franklin.

Monday, March 17, 1884

Dave Taylor came along. When he went away rain commenced. I did not do anything till afternoon then sawn some.

Seiy[?] and Em went down home in afternoon.

Sunday, March 16, 1884

Lizzie & I went to church. I staid to Sunday school. Sarah came home with us.

Saturday, March 15, 1884

Sawing some.

Friday, March 14, 1884

Sawing wood some of the time.

Thursday, March 13, 1884

Went up to Spicers. He came down. We out after pigs. I got out some potatoes. We all but Emma went down to church in afternoon. We back[?] to late. Brin had a calf.

Wednesday, March 12, 1884

Sawing some wood some of the day.

Tuesday, March 11, 1884

Went to Parkes[?] & saw Dave Mc [?]. Helped Rob Parks cut saw logs. Dave McKinley too.

Monday, March 10, 1884

Helped the wimmen wash.

Sunday, March 9, 1884

I & Sarah went to church. Frances came home with me. I went in [unreadable].

Saturday, March 8, 1884

Snowed last night. I put down some straw. Took the milk home. Left my sleigh at shop. [Unreadable] my fork. Emplied some meal. Em nearly sick with cold.

Friday, March 7, 1884

Went to the city with wheat. 91 bush[els] at 90 c[ents]. Got some meal. Got home at 7. Ma done the chores. Quite cold.

Thursday, March 6, 1884

I finished the wheat with [unreadable] help. Got a load for town. Rob [unreadable] came along. I cut hair. [unreadable] helping me saw some wood.

Wednesday, March 5, 1884

Went over & got the logs. Dave helped me load th[em]. It was a fine adz [unreadable phrase]. I went after [unreadable] of an mill. Walter came along. I got him to turn mill for me in afternoon. I got a log from him.

Tuesday, March 4, 1884

Went over to Taylors to try & get some logs that was dry. Dave gave me 3 that was in the yard. I stopped to Allys [?] Seen Mandys baby. I & Sarah went to church.

Monday, March 3, 1884

Cutting some wood. Put down some straw. Bedded the pigs. Quite cold.

Sunday, March 2, 1884

Another fine day. We started for church but did not get started in time. Em staid with Ma. We staid to din[ner].

Saturday, March 1, 1884

A fine day. We got the rest of the hay home. 1 & 1/2 tones. Walt helped me. I went to Burg. Took him & Sarah as far as the corners [?].

Thursday, Feb. 28, 1884

Turnes about as cold as ever. I went to the woods. Got a small load of limbs & 1 small log. I sawed some in afternoon. Walt came over in afternoon.

Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1884

Went to Eritiy's. Got back about 11. Sawed & split some. Snows most every day.

Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1884

Choring around till about noon then went to J. Kinley's. Traded him the power [?] for some hay. Went to the burg. Got a letter from Taft [sp.?]. I hope it will be the last.

Monday, Feb. 25, 1884

Helping the weman a try [unreadable] & trying an experament in soap making.

Sunday, Feb. 24, 1884

Snowing all day. Lance came over in afternoon. He went back to church. I did not go.

Saturday, Feb. 23, 1884

I was filing my saw when Sear [?] & Tom came over. I went with Tom over to the marsh. We got 2 rabbits. Got back about 6. They went back to Georges after supper.

Friday, Feb. 22, 1884

Spliting some in forenoon. Sawed some in after. Snowing.

Thursday, Feb. 21, 1884

I went to B'ham [Birmingham MI] this morn. A G went to[o]. Got back about noon. Quite cold. Split wood.

Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1884

Turned cold in the night - froze quite hard. Sawed some. A tree was over.

Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1884

A very fine morning. I & Em went to Mr. Fullers to make them a call. A south wind blew & thawed very fast. We got home about 5. Raining hard at night. Got my bag & money for the feed that was lost.

Monday, Feb. 18, 1884

Helped around the house some and cleaned out the pigpen in the morning and went to an auction sale at Redford Mr. Perry's. Got home about five o'clock.

Sunday, Feb. 17, 1884

'George went to church. I did not go. Got home about three o'clock. Sarah came with him. Raining most of the afternoon and evening.'

Saturday, Feb. 16, 1884

'George butchered an old rooster today and went to the Burg. Took Sarah home. I guess that is about all he did do. And got up one log. And I helped him unload that.' Em

Friday, Feb. 15, 1884

Went to the woods and chopped some in the morning. After dinner took Simmie [?] and the slide and got up three logs.

Thursday, Feb 14, 1884

Quite cold today. I cut some wood. Reid came. I sent Deed to be recorded. He did not return it.

Wednesday, Feb. 13, 1884

Expected to go to sail but Uncle did not come so I went to the mill at Eritys. Took wheat 9 1/2 bush[els]. Paid a note that was drawn the 30 of Jan. & got back a little after 2. I cleaned out pig pen. Will & Hat came. I paid them in full for the place & got a Deed. Begins to snow at night.

Tuesday, Feb. 12, 1884

Went to Reids again this morning. Got the money. From thence to Royal Oak. Commences to rain when I got there. Came the rest of the way home in rain. It freezes or rains quite hard all afternoon. I went over to Seitz after some flour. Met Will on his way home. It is the icyest time I ever saw.

Monday, Feb. 11, 1884

Went down to Read. He was all gone to Detroit [?]. Cut some wood. Begins to rain at night.

Sunday, Feb. 10, 1884

At home all day. Em & Sarah went to see Seitz [?]. I took care of baby. Did not storm today.

Saturday, Feb. 9, 1884

Cuting a little wood. Got out 2 bush[els] of potatos then I & Em went down to Babcocks & to Burg. Took 18 eggs. Got home at 8.

Friday, Feb. 8, 1884

Uncle came after his horse. After they went I started for some logs. Drew 4 loads. Quite warm. Alty [sp.?] came over.

Thursday, Feb. 7, 1884

Cut a little hd wood. Went over to the sail. Got back at 2. Quite cold. Uncle & Aunty came. Uncle got a horse.

Wednesday, Feb. 6, 1884

Went after a tree down in the field. Will was after his hay. Rof [?] was with him. I cut some wood in afternoon. Quite stormy.

Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1884

Raining last night - fearful icy this morning. I went down to A. Reeds. Got back about noon. I went after money again. I cut a tree down in afternoon. Mild weather.

Monday, Feb. 4, 1884

Went to the Burg. Got some felt boots. Went to J. Erwins. Sarah came back with me. I got home at 5. Cleaned out east bay. Raining quite hard.

Sunday, Feb.3 1884

All went to church. Left the baby with Grandma. Did not stay to Sunday School. Snowed come at night.

Saturday, Feb. 2, 1884

Took the hayrake apart - put it in sheep shed. Cleaned up barn floor some. Split some wood. Went to the sale [?] in afternoon & to SE Salees.

Friday, Feb. 1, 1884

Pleasant this morning. Sarah went after Em. I put the rest of roof on sheep shed & fixed more mangers for them. Split some wood.

Thursday, January 31, 1884

I was out for money today. Em went down home. I was at several places. Took dinner with Flow & Hen [ry]. Got some money at Mr. Eritiy's. 250 dollars. I paid it to Will tonight. He & his wife was here when I got home. Sarah was alone till they came. I did not go after Em. Got the horse shod in morning. Quite pleasant.

Wednesday, January 30, 1884

Raining this morn. Em cut my hair. I was fixing doors [?] at shed when Jim & Edd came along. I cut Jim's hair. Will was here.

Tuesday, January 29, 1884

Went up to J Kinley's & to T Castle' s [?]. Got some clover seed for Henry. Cut some wood in afternoon. Quite warm.

Monday, January 28, 1884

Helping the girls wash. Some choring. Cut some wood. Thawing some.

Sunday, January 27, 1884

Em & I went to Sunday school. Quite cold. Left baby at Ma's. He was good too.

Saturday, January 26, 1884

Started to draw wood this morn. Got one load home & Henry & Flo [unreadable phrase] Also Hat & Will came along. A fine day. They staid till all most five.

Friday, January 25, 1884

Got chors done. Started for J. Erwin's for some money but did not get any. Came back by post office. Got papers. Got some things at store. Stoped at Code's. Got on track of some money.

Thursday, January 24, 1884

Choring till noon. Fixed cow stable door & the sleys. Winter [unreadable] all day.

Wednesday, January 23, 1884

Started for the Oak. Took Emma to the Attys. I went to B'ham after money. Did not get any. A fearful day.

Tuesday. January 22, 1884

Cuting some logs. Drew 1 load.

Monday, January 21, 1884

Was over to Will's. He is moveing. Pretty cold. I went to Reed's after the lost feed - did not find it. Tinkered at barn till night.

Sunday, January 20, 1884

I & Sarah went to church. Stoped down home. Sarah had to have some soup. Seizz [?] was down. Art and clarg [?] was here when I got home.

Saturday, January 19, 1884

Cutting some wood. Emptied the meal. Fixed the grainery. Put corn in grainery.

Friday, January 18, 1884

Went down home to Burg. Got a ham [?] down home. Got back about 1. We went down to Erity's after noon.

Tuesday, January 15, 1884

Drawing the oak logs today for posts. A fine day but cool.

Monday, January 14, 1884

Made a bargain with Will today for his place. Went to Birmingham & to Erity's after the money.

Sunday, January 13, 1884

We all went to Sunday school today then staid to Ma's to dinner. Henry & Flo was down.

Thursday, January 10, 1884

Some milder. We all started for Franklin. Got there. Hen[ry] and Flo was away. I went to the store. Then we came down to Ma's. Did not get home till after dark.

Thursday, January 3, 1884

Went to a sail today at Clark Danelles. A fearfully cold day. Blustering. Did not get anything.

January 1, 1884

Took Sarah home. Got horse shod. Did not get home till near night. Ma staying alone. Quite cold. Good sleeping.